Setting Up Your Custom Email Address

When it comes time to set up your custom email address, we are here to assist you! While we don’t complete this step for you, we’ve compiled some incredible guides to make the experience as smooth as possible. Below are some options for you to consider, but the primary questions you need to ask yourself are:

Whom did I purchase my domain through?

(GoDaddy, Google Domains, Network Solutions, Squarespace, etc.)

Do I prefer using Outlook or Gmail to manage my inbox?

Please note that if you use Apple products you can still add your new email to your phone or Apple Mail.

After you have those answers, you can follow a tutorial linked below to walk you through a step-by-step guide!


1. Domain through GoDaddy + want to use GoDaddy webmail or Microsoft 365

2. Domain through any provider + want to use Microsoft 365 (Outlook)

3. Domain through Google + want to use Google Workspace

4. Domain through any provider + want to use Google Email (Workspace)

Please note that there is a Gmail app for your phone that you can use to check mail.

Additional Resources for GoDaddy

Additional Resources for Google

Congratulations on completing another important step in building your new brand!

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