Create Your Services Page

Create Your Services Page

This week in our series on How to Create and Write a Great Website, we’ll cover the all-important Services page. And if you have a product instead of a service, these guiding  principles still very much apply. While your About page tells the story of you and your business, potential clients or customers are ultimately coming to your website to consider working with or buying from you. A great Services or Products page lets them know exactly why they should.

Make it Great: Your Services (or Products) Page

One of the primary functions of your website is to convey what you do, the people you do it for, and why you — or your product — is  such a great fit for them. So to make it easy on visitors to your website, name your Services page according to what it is you actually do. For example, if you’re a business coach, you might call your Services page “Business Coaching.” If you have a fitness studio, your Services page might be called “Classes.”

And if you have more than one service or different types of services, it’s okay to have multiple Service pages. We just suggest limiting yourself to two or three so you don’t overwhelm a potential client with choices – and only if you have enough information to support a full page for each service line. Otherwise, keep your services together on one page.

Of course, if you’re selling multiple products in addition to or in lieu of services, your website Products page can include an overview of your products and a breakdown of your product lines. This gives your customer a top-level view of your products and a way to click through to detail pages for more specific info on each of them.

So what do you include on this page? You might consider any of the following:

  • A product- or service-focused headline: This should be written in a tone that speaks to your target audience and points to the results they’ll get from your product or from hiring you for a particular service. This is also a good place to add more clarity about who your product or service is for.
  • A description of your services: Whether you have one service or different service packages, explain what you do. If you have a unique method, process or specific steps you take your clients through, highlight those here. The description of your services is a good place to use bulleted lists and/or infographics.
  • The benefits of your products: There’s probably a great reason why you sell what you sell. Let people know how your products are unique or superior in quality or value, and the direct benefits they can have for your customer.
  • The ideal audience for your product or service: We like including a section on this page that briefly describes your ideal audience, or questions that help site visitors identify whether they’re a fit for your business. (Check out the “Our Clients” section on the DesignGood What We Do page.)
  • What makes you different: Now that you've told site visitors what you do, explain a little about why you're so great at it. Talk about your differentiators or key strengths using language that emphasizes results. This list could include things like training, experiences with certain kinds of clients or an approach that differs from most of your competitors. If you developed a product because it’s longer-lasting, more effective, eco-friendly, simpler – You name it! – make sure your website visitors know there’s a compelling reason to buy from you.
  • Infographic or visual: These are great if your service or offering is a little more complex to understand. Try breaking it into parts and explain what each part of your service is for specifically and what it can do for their business!
  • Results: What can someone expect out of their work with you or from the products they buy? Paint a clear picture of the outcomes. Link through to your Proof page so your site visitors can get more evidence that you deliver what you promise.
  • FAQs: Consider including a short list of answers to questions your prospects ask most frequently. For this page, we recommend a maximum of six questions or so. (If you have more info to offer, include a separate FAQs section on your site and link to that page from here.) Including answers to commonly asked questions will save you time and also convey to your audience that you understand any concerns they may have. Think about the questions you get asked the most, and answer them on your site before your potential customer has to ask!

Looking for More?

Check out these resources for more ideas and inspiration on writing and designing a great Services or Products page.

Questions to Get You Started:

Ready to start writing? Use these prompts to spark your process.

1. Describe each of your services or products and who they’re for. The more specific, the better.

2. What are the needs and concerns of your ideal audience? What's on their mind? How do you solve their problems? What do they really need your help with?

3. Describe the current audience you serve — or the ideal audience you hope to serve. Who is your niche? Let’s get really specific here. If there are multiple audience groups, do they share a common theme?

4. What can customers expect out of your work together? What are some of the results or outcomes they might experience? How do you make their lives or their businesses better?

5. Do you offer any service packages? If not, is there potential in packaging your services?

If you like what you’re reading, be sure to check out our ongoing series on How to Create and Write a Great Website. And if you’re ready to enlist our team of pros to help you create a great website for your business and brand, DesignGood is here for you.

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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