As an entrepreneur, your relationship with your business can go through the same ups and downs as a romantic relationship. And, just as a romantic relationship, we all need to rekindle our passion sometimes. Here are a few ways to recapture the spark and fall back in love with your business.
A lead magnet builds the strong email list your business needs to succeed. Branding firm DesignGood gives an overview of how to create your own lead magnet.
Explore our resources to guide you in building a meaningful business and brand that support the life you want to live.
Your Unstoppable Brand
Building a brand can seem overwhelming. What do you really need? What should you do first? So we’re giving you some heartfelt advice on where to start, how to make the big choices and who can help.
We’ll take you through the same process we use to help DesignGood clients build their businesses. Learn how to tap your gifts, serve your higher purpose and attract the people who light you up.
What makes a website powerful and effective? We're sharing our best practices for structuring your website and creating a unique and captivating message.