Frequently Asked Questions

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We want to make sure you feel great about working with DesignGood!
This is an important investment in yourself, your business and your future — one we don’t take lightly. Our branding process is designed to answer all of your questions, give you clarity and confidence, and ensure you feel supported and guided at all times.

What makes DesignGood's branding process different? How do I know whether it's right fit for me and my business?

As you explore options for creating your brand, you’ll find that DesignGood is unmatched when it comes to the depth, customization and comprehensive support that we provide. If any of the statements below resonate with you, we think you will be a great fit for ourbranding process. 

  • I feel stuck and need help finding the clarity to move forward with confidence.
  • It’s essential that my branding partner understands me and what I really desire from my business and my life before they create anything for me.
  • I need guidance on shaping my business as well as building my brand.
  • I don’t know how to talk about myself and my business, so I want help with brand messaging, storytelling and copywriting, as well as design.
  • I want a custom website and other branding tools, not cookie-cutter work.
  • It’s important to me that the agency I hire can take care of everything I need to launch, pivot or refresh my business at the same time.

Do you offer payment plans for your packages? 

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to choose DesignGood as your branding partner. So we offer three convenient ways to pay for your High-Vibe Business + Brand Package. Each has its own benefits for your business — and your cash flow.

Whom will I work with at DesignGood?

Founder and Creative Director Kristin Moses works directly with all DesignGood clients, which allows you to tap into her 20+ years of experience and expertise in building brands and creating businesses. Kristin will conduct your Business + Brand Discovery Session, present creative work and handle creative direction, strategy, and brand and business coaching. You will also have a dedicated project manager to keep your project on track. 

One of the other perks of working with us is that we have a wide array of experts in-house who will work on all phases of your branding project. Our team includes deeply experienced and talented designers, writers, developers, strategists, project managers and organizers. Having everything “under one roof” ensures consistent quality and saves you time and stress.

How do you price your projects, and what is included?

If you choose to work with DesigGood, we’ll provide a customized Business + Brand Method Package for a flat fee. That fee will be based on the size of your website, as well as the other branding tools you select based on the needs of your business. However, all of our packages include:

  • Business + Brand Discovery Session, which provides insights we use to build your brand and that you can use immediately in your business.
  • Creation of your brand’s visual identity.
  • Creation of your brand’s voice — the language you use to connect with your dream clients or customers.
  • A custom website, including all organization and planning, copywriting, design and development.
  • Additional custom-created branding tools based on the needs of your business. (As with your website, organization and planning, copywriting, design and development are included.)
  • Training and planning sessions to help you put your new brand into action.
  • Comprehensive support and guidance throughout the process.

In short, our packages are designed to give you everything you need to build a powerful brand and successful business.

What are the results of working with DesignGood?

The clients that we have the honor of working with get to where they are headed faster and with more ease because their brands and businesses exude the confidence, polish and professionalism needed to attract their desired audience. We hear time and time again that the brands we create empower our clients to do the work they feel called to do, to work with the people who light them up and to live the lives they want to lead.

But the best way to learn more about how working with DesignGood benefits our clients is to read it in their own words. Check out our testimonials page to read more about our clients’ experiences with DesignGood.

How long will my branding project take?

Because our projects are so in-depth, multifaceted and completely customized, they typically take four to six months to complete. Projects with larger, more robust websites can take six to eight months. Those time frames include your Business + Brand Discovery Session; creation of your visual identity, foundational brand language and website; development of other branding tools that allow you to connect with your audience;and your final technical training and Brand Momentum session. Keep in mind that the process of feedback, revisions and approvals can speed up or slow down your project.

Does DesignGood do one-off jobs, like just a logo or a website?

We work only with clients who purchase a High-Vibe Business + Brand Package. Here’s why: A logo or a website is only part of what your brand needs. The deeper need is creating a meaningful, memorable and consistent brand and experience everywhere your audience encounters you. Taking our clients through all five steps of our proven process ensures that their brand delivers real results. Your package will deliver everything you need to attract your audience, build a relationship with them and win their business. This approach gives you the greatest return on your investment and saves you money in the long run.

What is your revision policy? How many times do I get to review my deliverables?

Throughout your project, you will receive multiple opportunities to review and provide feedback on each deliverable. If you require additional revisions beyond what is allotted, these will be billed at our current hourly rate. For a detailed explanation of our revision policy, please click here.

Should I wait to start the branding process until I am absolutely clear about what I am creating or how my business will pivot or shift? Right now, I feel overwhelmed and unclear, and I don’t know where to start.

We create brands that are flexible and that grow and evolve with you. Simply from beginning to work on your business and brand, you’ll unleash a lot of clarity and forward momentum. We have the experience and expertise to guide you through any uncertainty you’re feeling. For over 17 years we’ve helped people like you start businesses, grow businesses and pivot businesses. So even if you’re experiencing overwhelm and confusion right now, if you feel a deep calling to build a meaningful business and brand, let’s talk. We can give you the direction you need to keep moving forward and create the business and life you so deeply desire.

What if I create my brand and then decide I need to change my business in some way?

Businesses always evolve, so DesignGood builds brands with an eye into the future. Everything we create can be fine-tuned as your business continues to grow. We consider ourselves your partner for the life of your business, and we want you to come back to us as you make refinements. By already knowing your business so well, we can easily help you update your brand.