What We Learned in 2020 That We'll Use in 2021

What We Learned in 2020 That We'll Use in 2021

Has there ever been a time when we've all been more eager for the clock to strike midnight on New Year's Eve? 2020 has been unlike anything most of us have ever experienced. Amid the loss, the stress, the weariness and the worry, we're sending you our hugs and support.

But we also want to share our hopes for better times ahead — and to celebrate you for just making it through. 2020 put us through the wringer, but, as it did, it spurred growth in all of us too! And gave us a unique perspective we lacked before because we were stuck in our routines. What we choose to do with that growth and insights is now up to us. 

These are some of the top lessons from this year that we'll be using in 2021 and well beyond. Which ones hit home for you?

'Safety' Has a New Meaning

Even in the early days of the pandemic, DesignGood started getting calls from new entrepreneurs who had decided that it was finally time to go for it and launch their first business. This crisis showed them that their "secure" full-time jobs were really not so secure after all. OR that they were no longer happy in the situations that once made them feel safe. And that spurred them to shape their own future by creating a business. As scary as 2020 was sometimes, it also gave us an infusion of courage. We are in control of our futures, and that is an empowering thought. What steps can you take to move your dreams forward in 2021? 

Our Values Have Never Felt Clearer

This year was also a reality check about what’s really important. The pandemic reminded us of the fragility of life and the value of our relationships. You may have realized that you needed to change the way you work to support the rest of your life. At the same time, the reckoning around injustice in the U.S. drove many of us to bring our work more in alignment with our values. If you made shifts like these in 2020, you made a powerful investment in your long-term success. At DesignGood, we always teach our clients that businesses are sustainable only when they enable the life you want to lead. And having a business that reflects your values doesn't just keep you motivated. It creates more longevity and stability. And it attracts the clients you'll love working with because they can sense you are doing the work you are meant to do. If you already have a business, what shifts can you make to bring more alignment into your day-to-day?

We All Need to Pause Sometimes

When our hectic schedules abruptly paused this spring, we caught our breath — and then many of us did something we rarely let ourselves do: took time to dream, to envision, to create. All the ideas we never had the space to dive into suddenly had room to grow. At DesignGood, a lot of our clients took this opportunity to realign their brands and revamp their websites so that they can emerge in 2021 ready for anything in a new business climate. As you look toward next year, don't forget the power of the pause. Can you pencil in some plans now for a break that will fuel your creativity and inspiration?

Change Never Stops

The new realities of our lives meant that a lot of the ways we were used to working had to change. In 2020, we all learned that we have to adapt in ways we never expected. In many cases, those changes actually made our lives easier. Maybe your in-person meetings or business trips became Zoom calls, putting time back into your life for other things. Some of us had to make even more dramatic shifts — perhaps your whole business model changed due to the pandemic, or you let go of an office space you no longer needed. While change happened REALLY fast in 2020, it's important to remember that the world is always changing, and your business has to evolve right along with it. After this year, we're all a lot more prepared to do that! What changes did you see in 2020 that actually positively affected your outlook or your business? 

Always 'Fill the Well'

This year we built flexibility and resilience in our personal lives as well. Our social schedules contracted right along with our work calendars, so we had to find new ways to bring joy, engagement and connection into our lives. Perhaps you discovered, or rediscovered, passions like art or the outdoors. Or you took that online course you had been meaning to. Or you made more time for the simple pleasures and rituals of home life. No matter how you've filled your well this year, think about what you want to keep doing when the pandemic wanes and our lives start to fill back up. Pursuing the interests that light you up will enable you to consistently bring your best self to your business. What pandemic habits do you want to carry into the new year?  

Opportunities Come Alongside Loss

We had to give up some plans and goals this year. But in their wake, new possibilities emerged. The pandemic accelerated the trend of removing location barriers in business. Yes, we knew even before this year that it was possible for most of us to work from anywhere. But now it's become the norm. In the same way, the audience for your business may have exponentially grown in 2020. Perhaps you used to focus on in-person sessions, meetings or classes. But now that you've honed your ability to deliver your offerings online, you can serve clients across the country or around the globe. (By the way, this makes it even more important to have a memorable brand and website that can connect with a prospect when they’re browsing online for services like yours, even when they’re several time zones away.)

Thank you for being part of our community in 2020. You are always a blessing to us, and never more so than this year. We wish you fulfillment and prosperity in 2021. If creating or updating your brand is on your list of goals for next year, we'd love to talk with you. To learn more, schedule a chat with me now.

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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