How to Turn Setbacks into Comebacks

How to Turn Setbacks into Comebacks

Stepping into the new year usually means considering what we will do with our clean slate. This January, however, we all have a little PTSD from 2020! There's still so much uncertainty in the air, but with that comes the winds of change. In times like these, how do we plan for our businesses and brands?

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. They rarely stick, and toward the end of January, we commonly find ourselves filled with disappointment and less momentum. Instead of drastic changes in 2021, how can we make small shifts in our thoughts and perceptions about our businesses? 

During these turbulent, but hopeful times, I still encourage you to dream. With great trials come great opportunities, and the businesses and brands that stake their claim in this new landscape are the ones that will succeed long into the future. Undoubtedly, we will all come out of this with more resilience and more gratitude. How can we put that to work and create some serious forward momentum fueled by tiny steps toward the things we truly desire? 

Commit to Something — Anything!

We talk a lot about energy at DesignGood, and there is a lot of powerful energy and forward momentum that comes from choosing something you want for yourself, your business or your life as a whole. What dream can you commit to this year, and what small steps can you start taking to move some energy in that direction? It might not be a goal that can be achieved in a year, but you can make great progress toward it. 

Put More of Yourself Out There

While we are still on the subject of energy, think of ways you can share more of your experience, expertise and guidance in the world. The universe loves it when we share selflessly. The more that your point of view and unique insights are circulating out there in the world, the easier it is for the right people, projects and opportunities to show up for you. It's a long game, but we encourage you to start now to set yourself up for your future successes. We have been sending out emails like these twice a month for years, and with every open, we're sending a little bit of our energy to you. I believe the small things matter, and hundreds of small acts eventually become one large, powerful ship in the night — a guiding force to get you where you're going.

Go Easy On Yourself 

With all that is going on in the world, it is easy to get caught in a downward spiral. No doubt the current climate has affected many businesses. Give yourself credit for surviving something extremely tough. You probably got a lot of clarity this past year on what you want and you don't want. If you stopped beating yourself up on where you are, what might you accomplish? If you can let go of all the ideas of where you should be, what might you create with a clean slate? 

Opportunity Is Everywhere

We have seen a significant switch to virtual and digital during the pandemic. And there's opportunity in that: It's easier to work with anyone, anywhere, anytime. At the end of the day, people still want to work with people. It's really as simple as focusing on connection and doing great work. That will always draw your audience close to you and help you become even more visible. Focus on your passion and creating a brand that truly reflects you and all that you stand for. When you do, your audience can't help but see you and respond. You actually have a wider audience than ever before. Thank you, pandemic, for that, at least. 

A Chance to Get Back in Flow 

No doubt a lot of us are feeling out of sorts and out of flow at the moment. 2020 exposed a lot of things for us, both good and bad, and that has forced us to come back to ourselves. When you can focus only on the steps we just mentioned above, the beautiful, energetic forces of the universe will step into support you. It's not up to you to find the opportunities. It is up to you to do great work and really dial in on what your audience needs. Then talk about it! Put it on your website, write a newsletter, share and do the things you are great at. Flow is definitely a state, and you will know it when you are in it — or out of it. Worry, self-pity, dread and procrastination will all block it. If you hate doing something, find a way not to do it anymore. Your energy should be protected at all costs, and you're just one shift away from the floodgates opening. 

Keeping Your Vibe High

We encourage you to start planning, dreaming and scheming for how your brand, your business and YOU can be more memorable in 2021. I am always here to help, and I love talking about this stuff! You can also find some of my book recommendations here for your journey!

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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