How to Work with People Who Appreciate Your Value – and Happily Pay You For It

How to Work with People Who Appreciate Your Value – and Happily Pay You For It

You started your business to thrive, not just survive. In other words, your business is more than a source of income. It should also enable you to let your strengths and talents shine, to do the work you love, and to make a real difference in the world.

For your business to support you financially and in other ways, it needs to attract the clients or customers who are the right fit for you. This doesn’t just mean working with people who need what you have to offer. It also means that the people you work with should understand what makes you stand out among the other businesses they could have chosen. They value your specific style, approach, method or expertise. Because they appreciate all you bring to the table, and they feel confident you can deliver the results you promise, they are willing to pay you for what you’re worth. You’ve probably had experiences with this kind of customer or client — as well as the other kind. You know, the ones who lowball, complain, second-guess and just never seem happy. We call those low-vibe connections. 

So how do you find more of your people — the ones who appreciate your uniqueness and who will happily reward you for it? Actually, you don’t have to look for them at all. Instead, you can make some intentional changes in your business and brand that will have your dream customers or clients seeking you out. Shifts like these consistently create results for our clients at DesignGood. And they can for your business, too.

Examine Your Beliefs About Your Business

Your business’s ability to attract the people who will value and appreciate you starts with your own personal energy. Are you holding on to any self-limiting beliefs about your business?

For example:

  • I must work with whoever wants to hire me. I can’t afford to turn anyone down.
  • Haggling with clients over my rates is just part of doing business.
  • I know I’m good at what I do, but I’m not experienced enough to get top-tier clients.
  • If I charge what I know, I am worth I will lose clients
  • In this economy, I can’t set my rates where I want them to be.

Beliefs like those lower the whole energy of your business. If you don’t believe it’s possible to work with people who value you, your self-doubt will color everything that you do. It really comes down to this: If you don’t value yourself, you’re going to attract people who don’t value you, either. So see how it feels to question your old assumptions and try on new beliefs.

Get Clear on Your Audience + and Their Needs

Another way to work more consistently with people who value you is to get ultra-clear on who your target audience is and what they need. Think about it: We are all willing to pay more when we feel like a business can deliver exactly what we want. What does your audience need, and how does that align with your expertise and experience? Get really specific here. Here’s an example from our own experience.

At DesignGood, we realized our clients need more than a beautiful website to succeed. They also need expert guidance in shaping their businesses, brands and tools to connect with their audience. Our 18 years of experience enables us to provide this guidance. So we designed our service packages to deliver that deep level of support.

Make Your Brand Magnetic

After you’ve taken some time to think about how you are showing up in your business and how well you are responding to your audience’s needs, it’s time to turn your attention to your brand. Investing time and energy in your brand will make it much easier to call in the right customers and clients for you.

To get a sense of how well your brand is working for you, answer these questions:

  • Does your brand communicate why you are different? Does it show your personality? Or do you blend into the crowd of other businesses in your space?
  • Does your brand connect with your target audience? Do you “speak their language”? Does the design of your brand appeal to them and make them feel at home?
  • Does your brand clearly convey the results your target audience will get from working with you? Is it immediately clear to them that they’re in the right place to solve their problem or address their need?
  • Does your brand show a high level of professionalism? Perception is powerful. If your brand is polished and consistent, your audience will perceive that your services or products will cost more.
  • Is your brand memorable, and does it encourage your audience to take the next step?

Ready to Work With Better Clients Now?

We get so much joy and satisfaction from working with clients who value what DesignGood has to offer. And we want to experience the same thing in your business! That’s why we created our online course More Flow, Less Hustle. This course incorporates the exact steps, strategies and practices that have worked time and again to create powerful results for DesignGood clients. You’ll get clear on key foundations of business success, like your unique expertise, the specific audience you want to serve, the needs of that audience, and what they can expect from working with you. Learn more and enroll now!

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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