How to Discover Your Business Purpose

How to Discover Your Business Purpose

In Part 3 of DesignGood’s High-Vibe Entrepreneur Method Series, Kristin Moses explains how to use your talents to make an impact.

Welcome back to our series on the High-Vibe Entrepreneur Method. We’re showing you our proven process for creating a passion-fueled business that makes an impact and builds a genuine connection with the people you want to be working with or selling to.

In our last article, we guided you through defining your Business Identity: your unique strengths, talents, gifts and passions and how they show up in your business. If you missed that article, take some time to read through it now. You’ll use your Business Identity for the next step in our method: Establishing your Business Purpose. Your Business Purpose is the way that you use your Business Identity to make that impact and to serve your customers.

One of the characteristics of high-vibe entrepreneurs is that we’re driven by the need to make an impact. Your Business Purpose is the way that you use your Business Identity to make that impact and to serve your customers. You can also think of it as what you want your business to be remembered for, what your business is here to accomplish and whom your business connects with and helps. When you’re clear on your Business Purpose, your product or service offerings, your brand and your voice will be easier to create and more effective. A clear Business Purpose expedites your path to doing the work you want to be doing for the people you want to be working with. Ready to get started?

My Business Purpose

To help you identify your Business Purpose, I want to share with you my own.

My Business Purpose is based on my Business Identity:
My unique gifts and strengths are creating systems, generating ideas and making things happen. I have a genuine passion for business and personal growth. I love learning AND sharing what I learn, and I have a killer design aesthetic. I know what looks good, and I know how to pull visual and written concepts together.

My Business Purpose is how I use my Business Identity to make an impact on the lives of our clients. It’s the value I can create for them.

Here it is:
Teach and inspire other high-vibe entrepreneurs to create processes and tools for thriving businesses and engaged lives. Support their success with beautiful visual branding and a powerful voice that connects them with their audience.

Knowing who I am and what I do best helped me shape every aspect of DesignGood. For example, since I’m passionate about personal development, I work with clients who share my dedication to and interest in evolving and bettering themselves. Because I love organization and systems, I develop systems and process for our branding and design work so that we can consistently repeat great results for our clients. I also love helping our clients take a look at their own processes to see where they might save time or be more efficient.

Your Business Identity and your Business Purpose work together. When you’re doing what your best at and most passionate about, it also usually yields the best outcomes and most value for your clients or customers.

Like your Business Identity, your Business Purpose is most powerful when you keep it front and center in everything you do, from your products or services to communicating with your audience. So make sure to review it often and use it as a guide when choosing which jobs to take and making other decisions.

Identifying Your Business Purpose

Make sure you have your Business Identity ready to reference as you answer the following questions.

How can you use your talents and passions that are part of your Business Identity to create value for others? I’ll go back to my work as an example. I realized that my knowledge of and experience with small businesses, along with my love of systems, could help other entrepreneurs. Instead of figuring out from scratch how to build their business and brand, they can work with DesignGood and follow a proven process.

Who are the people you can create the most value for? Who are the potential customers or clients who most align with your Business Identity? In my case, I’ve found that I have the most to offer in terms of knowledge and expertise to small businesses. Entrepreneurs are also people I really enjoy working with.

What do you want your legacy to be? I know this might seem like a jarring question, but it can really help you zero in on your Business Purpose. What do you want to leave behind? Your answer can point you toward the people you should be serving and the products or services you will offer them. Be brave and dream big here. Most entrepreneurs intuitively know the answer to the legacy question, but they might be afraid to admit it to themselves because they don’t believe they can turn their vision into a reality.

When you show up in in your business the way you were meant to and reach the people you were put her to help, it makes all the difference — in your work and in your life. That’s what we want for you. If you're looking for a partner in this journey, contact us today for more information. We love working with like-minded entrepreneurs!

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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