Why Email Marketing is Still Important – and Always Will Be

Why Email Marketing is Still Important – and Always Will Be

Here at DesignGood, we work with a lot of entrepreneurs to build their brands, create their websites, establish their voice, and grow their businesses. But what happens after a brand is launched? What’s the best way to get in front of your target audience and keep them engaged?

When it comes to reaching your potential customers, you have a lot of options — and you can expend a lot of energy on any one of them. There’s social media, of course, and events, workshops, speaking gigs, and podcasts, as well as publications and platforms that already have the attention of your target audience. But what’s the most valuable of all your options? The answer is email marketing. Why? Because your email list is made up of your most dedicated audience. And unlike Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook, where your fans and followers exist on someone else’s platform, your email list is entirely yours, and you can fully customize your email messaging to reflect your high-vibe brand.

Are Emails Really that Important?

Staying in front of your clients — and top of mind — is the best way to get hired, stay relevant,  or sell your products. After all, when someone needs a particular service or product — whether it be novelty or necessity — you want them to think of you first. Even if they only read the subject line of your emails, your brand has a presence in their inbox.

Emails show you’re active and engaged, and that you care about delivering valuable information to your audience. Whether they scan the body copy or study it and click through, your emails show you’re dedicated, and they serve to establish your expertise within your niche. Remember: You don't need all the clients or customers. You just need the right ones!

What Makes a Good Email?

We get it. A lot of our clients are on the fence about making a commitment to email marketing. We often hear, “Are people going to get annoyed if I email them too much?” Or, “I’m not a writer.” And, “I don’t know that I have anything valuable to say.” (Sound familiar?)

Our answer to these concerns is that if you didn’t have anything valuable to offer your clients, you probably wouldn’t have chosen to be an entrepreneur. You likely have tons of expertise and past experiences to draw on that your audience would benefit from learning about. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Provide valuable guidance, how to’s, and insights — like this email! Think about what challenges your clients face or the issues that make them feel overwhelmed. Speak directly to their needs. This shows you’re an industry expert, that you’re aligned with your audience, and that you know what you’re talking about. (Though always be careful to teach, not preach.) This is by far our favorite approach to developing email content.
  • Provide case studies or other results-driven content. Show your potential clients what you’ve achieved for other people — and by example, what you can do for them. Added bonus: Clients love when you highlight them! It's a great way to cross-promote and do them a solid.
  • Send updates about your company if they’re interesting and compelling. People like to work with people who are doing big things in the world. Show your clients you’re evolving and growing. While self-promotion can feel awkward at first, it conveys that you care about what you do and you’ve made a commitment not to stagnate.
  • Give discounts, freebies, special offers, or early access to events and downloads. Come from a place of service and give freely to the people who support you. Think about what you can give to the people on your list that they would find valuable or put to good use. If you have a product, this is an easy one.
  • Include guest posts, round-ups, interviews, resources, stories, favorite books, etc. These are all ways to let your audience get to know you — and the people and things you care about on a deeper level.
  • Ask your audience to weigh in. If you’re in the process of developing a new product or service line, ask your audience about their preferences. Invite them to add a comment on a post showing your product, or engage them in a relevant survey. (You can even offer a reward for participation.) This lets your customers voice their opinions, gives you direct insight into their wants and needs, and keeps your company top of mind.

Inspire Your Customer

Not everyone is going to read all your emails, but they will read the ones that speak to them. As with business generally, when you’re developing email content, think about what your audience actually needs and wants to read. An email is your opportunity to offer inspiration to help them improve in their jobs, businesses, and personal lives, no matter your industry. What do you know that your audience needs to hear, that could inspire them to get to where they want to go? Teach them the tips and techniques you’ve learned through the years and you’ll make a connection for life.

Be Consistent

If clients or customers expect an email from you every Tuesday, or look forward to a new special offer once a month, make sure you’re delivering. The worst kind of email marketing is inconsistent email marketing. Remember: Everything you do is a reflection of your business. If you drop the ball, it has the potential to negate past efforts. Show that you’re reliable, mindful, and that you’re always thinking about the needs of your audience.

Have a Point of View

Chances are, people ended up on your email list or put you on their radar because there was something appealing about YOU: your tone, your perspective, or the way you connected with them. When you write an email, have a point of view — and be the unique and beautiful person that you are.

You were put on this earth to be you – and clients want to hire YOU. So make sure you’re “speaking” the way you normally would. Share your knowledge, your unique perspective, your sense of humor, and ultimately, your love with them. (Yes, we just used the “L” word.) Being you is what makes you stand out, and what will get you noticed.

Give Content Double-Duty

Your email content can be repurposed on your blog, website, and social media channels. To give an example: At DesignGood, everything we send out in our emails is also posted on our blog and on the social media channels that make sense for our brand. We share our articles on Medium and LinkedIn, and bits of wisdom from our emails in social media posts, especially on our Instagram page. Committing to developing great emails gives you lots of content to share with your audience, on whatever channels they follow.

Having a Brand Means Building an Audience

While it’s true that email is considered old school, it’s worth considering how many platforms and trends we’ve seen come and go. Email is the one digital communication tool that remains a constant. When combined with other digital marketing tools, like a compelling and well-executed website, email is your place to develop your brand, establish your voice, and build your street cred. Email communication builds trust in many ways, and when you use the right tools, its effectiveness is also measurable.

Brand stewards have to build their tribe. This is especially true for high-vibe brands. Marketing works best when you know who you are as an entrepreneur and have a clear picture of who you serve. (That’s also the work you do when you lay the foundation for a solid brand.) Communication and connection drive engagement over the long term, so reliability, consistency, and quality content are a must. And from personal experience, I can tell you that it works. New clients often tell me, “I’ve been on your email list for years, and I always wanted to work with you. Now the time is right.”

Is this the right time for you? Check out our new tool called “The High-Vibe Entrepreneur Workbook” that can help you establish the tone and pace of your outreach efforts. Still need more help? We got you! We’d love to guide you through this process one-on-one. Let’s get started!

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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