The Best Books to Help You Reach Your Business Goals in 2020

The Best Books to Help You Reach Your Business Goals in 2020

If you're like us, you're already thinking about your goals for your business in 2020. Maybe you haven't written anything down yet — after all, things are busy. But a vision is definitely taking shape in your mind.

So how can you turn that vision into a reality? One way is motivating and educating yourself with inspiring books and other resources. So we wanted to recommend a few of our new and old favorites to put on your wish list or to check out during your holiday travels.

'The Source' by Tara Swart

Remember "The Secret"? This book is "The Secret" meets science. Swart, a neuroscientist, leadership coach and medical doctor, explains how envisioning what you want in your life triggers your brain to become more attuned to those things. So all of that manifestation stuff that skeptics used to say was too "woo woo" now has backing in research. "The Source," released in the U.S. in October, already feels like a classic.

'The High-Vibe Entrepreneur Method' from DesignGood

Of course, we're a little bit biased! But we're also super-proud of how much "The High-Vibe Entrepreneur Method" has resonated with so many people and helped them create the passion-fueled businesses of their dreams. This guide takes you through the same process we use to help DesignGood clients. Learn how to tap your gifts, serve your higher purpose and attract the people who light you up. And did we mention it's absolutely free to download?

'It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work' by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

If you're tired of hearing everyone bragging about how hard they're hustling and how little they're sleeping, then "It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work" is the book for you. Fried and Hansson advocate for creating a new kind of workplace culture that they call "the calm company." You don't want to burn yourself out in pursuit of your goals. This book shows you a better way to reach them.

'Better Than Before' by Gretchen Rubin

We always say that the success of your business comes down to the way you show up in it every day. So learning how to break bad habits and create new, beneficial habits is one of the most powerful things you can do. That's what Gretchen Rubin ("The Happiness Project") will teach you how to do in "Better Than Before." The key to her approach is choosing the right strategies for you.

'The One Thing' by Gary Keller

We all have so much we want to do. But we must pick the most important thing, focus on it and see it though. In "The One Thing," Keller makes the case that you should focus on the single priority that will make everything else "easier or unnecessary." If you're feeling pulled in a lot of different directions as the new year approaches, this is the book to give you some clarity.

'Getting Things Done' by David Allen

You've probably heard plenty of people singing the praises of "Getting Things Done" over the years. There's a good reason for that! This book really is a life-changer. Allen doesn't just give you advice on improving your productivity and lowering your stress; he also gives you a system that will do both. And trust us, if you read this book, you'll use Allen's system every day.

'The Road to Recognition' by Seth Price and Barry Feldman

You have to get the word out about the great things your business is doing, and "The Road to Recognition" teaches you how to do just that. The idea of doing outreach might seem overwhelming, but this book spells out easy and practical steps.

'You Are a Badass at Making Money' by Jen Sincero

DesignGood's "virtual CFO" Erin Armstrong recommends this book, and I wholeheartedly agree. "You Are a Badass at Making Money" will help you shake off old beliefs about things like wealth and what you're worth that you probably weren't even aware of, but that are holding you back. And speaking of money, Erin and DesignGood have something special coming your way in the new year. Stay tuned for details!

'The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success' by Deepak Chopra

While you're waiting for that special announcement, we've got a couple more titles to help you transform your relationship with money. First, there's "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success." It's hard to believe this book came out 25 years ago! It feels of the moment, though, because the principles it teaches are so timeless. I especially like how Chopra talks about the equal exchange of the value (or service) you provide for money. He also emphasizes the importance of flow, which we talk about a lot here, too!

'Creating Money' by Sanay Roman and Duane Packer

This is a good book to read after "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success." "Creating Money" explains how we sometimes block our own successes and the flow of money. Doing what you love and acting in passion can bring abundance.

As the authors write, “Abundance is your natural state. … You do not have to work hard to have abundance. You can learn to work with energy to easily create what you want.” 

'Dare to Lead' by Brené Brown

Is any book roundup about authentic success complete without Brené Brown? "Dare to Lead" came out last fall and, no surprise, it's excellent. If you have trouble seeing yourself as a leader, Brown will change your mind — and show you a high-vibe brand of leadership that's about vulnerability, curiosity and sharing with others.

To Be Magnetic (Pathway Membership)

OK, this isn't a book; it's a series of online workshops. But To Be Magnetic is simply too amazing and valuable not to mention here. I have a membership myself, and I am absolutely loving it. The content is all about repatterning old beliefs and really feeling worthy of the things you desire. I can’t say enough good things.

As you can tell, I love discovering new books to read, so please send me your recommendations! And if you'd like to work with DesignGood on your 2020 goals, we have proven processes to help you build a thriving life and business. To work with us, shoot us an email or schedule a call with me.

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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