How to Pinpoint Your Purpose and Apply It to Your Business

How to Pinpoint Your Purpose and Apply It to Your Business

Lately, I’ve been diving deep into the concept of SoulPurpose, and it’s naturally got me thinking about how this relates to the businesses we create. If you’re reading this, chances are you feel a deeper calling to do something meaningful in the world. For many of us, our businesses become the most powerful expression of that purpose—a way to use our gifts to help others create transformative change in their lives. It’s the ultimate way to pay it forward.

Earlier this year, I had the chance to attend a workshop at the Bali Spirit Festival that deeply resonated with me. It introduced an exercise that helped connect the dots between our passions, our purpose, and the work we do. I added two more questions to this original exercise to help you link it directly back to your business and, ultimately, what your brand stands for.

Take a moment this week to try this exercise. I think you’ll be surprised by how powerfully the pieces of your past, present, and future come together. And I would LOVE to hear what you discover!

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backward.” — Steve Jobs

Pinpoint Your Purpose Exercise:

  1. Start from when you were a child, and list your passions up until now in the order they evolved.
  2. What do you want to be remembered for?
  3. How is your business (or the work you do) an expression of your purpose? 
  4. What vital transformations are you here to help people make?
  5. What patterns do you see in your answers? What keeps coming up? 

Hopefully, you’ll begin to see that everything is linked to your soul’s purpose. Your business, brand, and being are all intertwined expressions of that deeper calling. The more clearly you see this, the more aligned—and magnetic—your business and brand become.

I can’t wait to hear your realizations and insights! Feel free to email me your thoughts. Let’s connect the dots together!

Much love and gratitude,
Kristin Moses Signature

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