Want More Ease and Flow in Your Business?

Want More Ease and Flow in Your Business?

Business, of course, comes with ups and downs, but we’re always struck by how many entrepreneurs believe that “the struggle” is just a part of life when you're an entrepreneur. As we’ve helped hundreds of clients over the years, we’ve actually come to believe that the opposite is true when it comes to feeling good in your business. Success doesn’t come from struggle or from hustling hard for every win. Instead, you’re more likely to achieve your goals when things feel, well, a lot easier. Let’s explore why.

Are You Stuck in Struggle Mode?

First, think about the statements below and whether they apply to you and your business:

  • I always prioritize work ahead of everything else.
  • I need to DIY everything in my business, even the stuff I hate, because every penny counts.
  • I am always trying to figure out the “right” way  to present myself and my business.
  • I need to be EVERYWHERE — social media, speaking engagements, any and all other forms of outreach.
  • If a client or customer is frustrating me or haggling over prices, I just have to grin and bear it.
  • I don’t say “no” to any project, even if it’s something I don’t really like doing.
  • I regularly do more work on projects than what I bill for.
  • I’ll work on my brand someday – when I don’t have to spend so much time just keeping my business running.

Sound familiar? Keep reading.

When Hustling Backfires

Now, don’t get us wrong. Having a business does take a considerable amount of effort, and more importantly, passion. And all of that hustling might bring you success in the short term. But, ultimately, it’s just not sustainable. Here’s why:

  • If you always put work first, the other things important to you in life will suffer. We all need to replenish ourselves outside of work – through rest, relationships and activities that energize and inspire us.
  • If you try to do every task in your business by yourself, you won’t have time for the work that uses your unique gifts and talents — which is the kind of work that truly helps you succeed and ultimately provides more peace and satisfaction.
  • Constantly changing how you present yourself is pretty exhausting, too — for both you and your audience. They’ll have trouble understanding what you are really all about.
  • Working with people who don’t appreciate you will drain you of enthusiasm for your work. On top of that, these people are unlikely to refer others to you, which slows down your success even more.
  • Similarly, if you do work that doesn’t light you up, you’re not going to be at your best — and your customers or clients will be able to tell.
  • The belief that you have to “fight” for money creates low-vibe energy in your business. Remember, others can pick up on your business anxiety and lack of confidence.
  • When you put off building your brand, you miss out on a brand’s ability to attract the right people and opportunities. You end up working a lot harder to attract business.

There Is a Different Way

Business doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it out to be. The first step towards creating ease and flow in your business is letting go of your limiting beliefs and embracing the fact that things can be easier. This may not feel possible right now. But we see time and again with our clients that it absolutely is.

So what kind of things can entrepreneurs do to experience more ease and flow in their business? Here are just a few ideas.

  • Identify your priorities outside of work and build your business in a way that supports them.
    For example, does your business give you the time you need for your important relationships? Does it give you the money you need to pursue interests that inspire and invigorate you?
  • Start thinking about things you can delegate or otherwise get off of your plate so that you can do more work that’s in your “zone of genius.”
    At first, it might feel a little scary to spend money hiring a virtual assistant (for example). But think about all of the additional revenue you can create if you get more time for the things that are the highest and best use of your talents.
  • Let your personality shine in your brand, website, social media feeds and anywhere else your customers or clients encounter you.
    Being authentic attracts an audience that values exactly what you offer. Just as important, it weeds out the people who aren’t a fit for you.
  • Get clear on the kind of people you really want to work with.
    Your people will gladly pay you in a way that reflects the value you create for them. And they’ll fill your energy instead of draining it.
  • Also get clear on the kind of work you truly want to be doing right now.
    Just because you can complete a project doesn’t mean you should say yes to it. (If you have had your business for a while, this may have changed over the years.)
  • Examine your beliefs about money and abundance.
    If you live with the mindset that money is hard to come by, then that will be your truth. Money is simply an energy exchange, and it’s your mindset about that exchange that creates your reality.
  • Prioritize creating a brand that aligns with who you are, the work you're doing and the life you want to live.
    It does take work to bring your brand to life. But that work is a powerful investment, since your brand can do so much work for you. A thoughtful and authentic brand attracts people to your business 24-7 — so you can actually have a life! It also establishes your credibility and professionalism so that you can sell with less effort.

Start Making Things Easier

We hope that this article has reassured you that your business and life don’t have to be so hard. To learn more about why ease and success go hand in hand, schedule a chat with me now to talk about becoming a DesignGood client, or sign up for our online course More Flow, Less Hustle. This course incorporates the exact steps, strategies and practices that have worked time and again to create real results for DesignGood clients. You’ll get clear on key foundations of business success, like your unique expertise, the specific audience you want to serve, the needs of that audience, and what they can expect from working with you. Learn more and enroll now!

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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