The Road Ahead: Inspired by the Journey Behind

The Road Ahead: Inspired by the Journey Behind

12 Important Questions to Ask Yourself to Intentionally Create Your Future

Are you ready to set meaningful intentions and create a purposeful roadmap for the year ahead? Whether you’re reflecting on where you’ve been or envisioning what’s next, this exercise provides a powerful framework to honestly assess your past and align your goals for the future.

I had the privilege of attending a magical workshop in Bali recently with people from around the world where we collectively explored what it means to intentionally step into the future. Guided by this deeply impactful exercise, I left with more clarity and enthusiasm for what’s ahead. It was such a transformational experience that I knew I had to share it with the DesignGood community.

This isn’t about fleeting resolutions or vague aspirations that fade with time. It’s a deeply reflective practice that honors your growth and the lessons you’ve learned, while helping you get intentional about what you want to bring into your life.

Why Set Intentions for the Future?

Reflecting on your experiences and victories, as well as your challenges and setbacks, creates space for meaningful personal and professional growth. Setting clear intentions not only helps you envision the future, but it also lays the groundwork for a more aligned, purposeful life.

Whether you're focused on personal development, building your business, or nurturing creative ideas, clarity and intention are your greatest allies. For practical tips on advancing your goals, explore How to Move Forward with Your Business Vision When the Path Feels Uncertain.

Reflecting on What’s Behind You

Start your reflection by honoring the past year with these questions:

1. What were the successes, wins, breakthroughs, celebrations, accomplishments, proud moments, boxes checked, or habits you were able to break?
2. What were the failures, disappointments, breakdowns, losses, incompletions, or things you were embarrassed about?
(It's important to honor the dark and not just the light.)
3. What were the game changers or unexpected events that shifted your priorities?
(These can be wins or losses.)
4. What were the three things you focused on?
5. What were three things you forgot about, overlooked, didn’t get around to, or neglected?
6. What did you learn about life and yourself? What has life shown you?

By exploring these questions, you’ll not only be able to acknowledge your wins and losses but also identify the opportunities in every experience.

Creating Your Vision for What’s Next

Once you’ve completed your reflection, it’s time to look at the year ahead. These questions will guide you in envisioning and intentionally shaping what lies ahead for you.

1. What will you commit to? What are you saying yes to? (This can be a feeling.)
2. How do you envision the year ahead?
3. How do you want to show up in your life, and what actions do you want to take?
4. Who is your community? Who will be there protecting and supporting your vision?
5. Who are you committed to supporting?
6. What is the ONE word you want to hold as an intention for the future? What do you want to embody?

Answering these questions moves you from reflection into action and helps you align with your personal and professional vision. For more insights, check out Why Creating a Vision for Your Business Is More Important Than Ever.

What’s Your Word?

One of the simplest yet most profound parts of this exercise is choosing a single word that anchors your intention. What word resonates with how you want to feel, show up, and create as you move forward? This word can act as a compass, offering clarity and direction when life feels uncertain. We’d love to hear the word you’ve chosen—feel free to share it with us or with your trusted circle.

Bringing Your Vision to Life

If you're feeling inspired to bring your vision to life, we’re here to help you make it happen. At DesignGood, we specialize in helping purposeful businesses and brands thrive. Whether you're starting fresh or reimagining your direction, weve got three ways you can work with us designed to meet you right where you are. Together, we can create a brand that aligns with who you are and what you're here to do.

Take the first step by starting a conversation with us. Together, we can turn your intentions into reality and help you move forward with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

What’s your vision for what lies ahead? Share it with us—we can’t wait to support you!

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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