Why Creating a Vision for Your Business Is More Important Than Ever

Why Creating a Vision for Your Business Is More Important Than Ever

There is a quote I love by Young Pueblo: “A vision remains a vision until action is applied to it.” This statement feels so powerful to me, and I hope it resonates with you too.

Vision can carry us through the darkest of times, but what makes it real is taking aligned action to achieve that vision. I have always been grateful for my business, and as we approach our 20-year anniversary on February 2, 2025, I’ve been reflecting deeply on what’s next for DesignGood, especially after the recent passing of my mother. I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished. We help true lightworkers create beautiful and intentional representations of their businesses, brought to life through the brands we've created for them. This work feels like my life's purpose, and I am committed to going even deeper, especially now.

I often think about how we can all serve in a greater capacity, touch more lives, make a more profound impact, and become an even more integral part of the journey for the people who come into our orbit. I want to support my clients in creating businesses that truly make a difference and help others. It has been the honor of a lifetime to support these people by making them more visible to those who need them. It’s been a beautiful evolution to work with soul-led entrepreneurs—therapists, coaches, guides, consultants, authors, teachers, healers, designers, and wellness and spirituality guides. I feel in complete alignment with my clients and their offerings. 

My next mission is to double what we have done in the past and bring our High-Vibe approach to branding and business to even more entrepreneurs who lack confidence, credibility, clarity, visibility, profitability, and freedom in their businesses. I want to help them shine their light even brighter and show up fully for the people they are here to serve. I plan to do this by offering more accessible services to help these incredible humans get started and then supporting them more deeply as their businesses grow. I want to teach them how to work with their gifts, passions, and energy to attract the people, opportunities, and partnerships they so deeply desire.

That is my vision. What is yours?

Getting Clear + Creating Your Vision

Your vision should build on your past and direct you toward your future.

The first step in creating the business and life you want is getting super clear on what that looks like for you. Remember, success means something different for each of us. You get to decide the path of your business and your life. How exciting is that?!

Clarity and vision are crucial because your big dreams for your business and life are what will keep you fueled and moving forward. When you declare your intentions around a desired outcome, you set something very powerful in motion. Clarity can transform feelings of confusion and overwhelm into feelings of excitement and optimism. It also builds confidence. When you’re more confident, you naturally align yourself with the things you truly want for your business, brand, and life.

We see this happen consistently with DesignGood clients. When we help them get clear about the work and the people that excite them and form a vision for their business, everything falls into place. This step always takes place before we write any copy or create any brand assets for them because these insights ground the creation of a successful brand.

The most effective brands are very specific. They’re clear about what they do, who they work with, and what people can expect from engaging with them. Your business and brand don’t need to appeal to everyone. Great businesses know who they are and who they aren’t, and they don’t try to do too many things. They’re crystal clear on the needs of their audience and shape their services and offerings around those needs.

For example, you may enjoy only about half of your work while the rest is slowly wearing you down. You know that your ultimate goal is to spend more time doing the work you love with clients who light you up, but some of the draining aspects of your business might not be making you money. There is a way to shift more into your zone of genius, and setting boundaries can create the balance you need.

Failing to hone in will ultimately hold back your success. Your brand has to give prospective customers an instant understanding of who you are, what you do, and why they should choose you. You risk going unnoticed if you’re unclear on what makes you different. Clear, memorable brands, words, and intentions can connect you with the clients who are the perfect fit for your work.

Being specific also allows you to establish yourself as the expert and shows that you offer the best product or service for your audience’s needs. With so many choices out there, customers want the one that’s the perfect fit for them. They’re wary of companies that do or make a little bit of everything.

Finally, your business has to work for you over the long term. Doing work for clients you’re not passionate about might be manageable right now, but it will drain your energy over time. And your energy is what makes you an energetic match for the things you want in your business. For real. 

What Is To Come

Stay tuned in the coming weeks—we are going to dive deeper into creating your business vision and where you go from there! It is my deep commitment to help you get to where you are headed in both business and life and share all the tools we have created to help you get there!

Please watch for our new offerings: The DesignGood Business + Brand Quickstart Program and 1:1 Business Coaching & Brand Strategy Sessions with me, which I am offering to a select group.

Much love and gratitude,
Kristin Moses Signature

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