How to Move Forward with Your Business Vision When the Path Feels Uncertain

How to Move Forward with Your Business Vision When the Path Feels Uncertain

“Fear, the worst of all enemies, can be effectively cured by the forced repetition of acts of courage.” ― Sharon L. Lechter

Hello, dear ones,

Lately, I have been thinking quite a lot about transitioning—life transitions, business transitions, and transitioning the way we think, especially when it comes to our business and the work we are doing in this world. 

I know I am not alone at this time because, over the past few weeks, I have spoken with and received emails from many soul-led entrepreneurs who feel stuck. Not stuck in their purpose—everyone feels pretty clear on that—but stuck in what to do next. They want more out of their businesses, their work, and their lives. Everyone seems to have this deep desire but little clarity or direction on what to do next or what that looks like for them.

We all dream about the future and what it could be, but often, we don’t quite know how to bring that dream into the present moment. Life, circumstances, uncertainty, and doubt will always do their best to derail us from our vision, and it’s hard not to let what’s swirling around in our heads get the best of us and keep us from moving forward—no matter how badly we want that vision of our future to be our reality. 

Last week, I spoke about the power of vision, but that is only part of the equation. The other part is taking heart-led intentional action, which I also spoke about during our last webinar (you can watch that here). We don’t need to know how to get there yet, but we need to have a vision and feel aligned with it in our hearts. For me, and for a lot of our clients, creating a brand around that vision is one of the most powerful tools we can use to turn that vision into a reality. 

Creating a brand is a powerful intention-setting exercise. Your brand is that “thing” that is out in the world 24/7, communicating on your behalf when you are not there, which is why it is so important. It is typically someone's first or second impression of you. Brands can invoke emotion and build connections. When done well, thoughtful brands make people want to work with you and dive deeper into your offerings, which is why you hear us use the term “magnetic brands” so often. The work we do with our clients can actually draw people to you, increase your confidence, and make you more visible to the people you want to work with. 

Try to think of your logo, visuals, website, and online presence (social) as your outer skin, but your brand is the soul. Your brand is everything that makes you who you are. This is why your brand should feel like your essence, and you should feel proud of it. It should inspire you, and it should feel exciting to both you and the people who want to work with you. 

Your brand is an extension of your intention and vision and should clearly communicate what you do, who you do it for, and what people can expect from working with you. This will make you visible to the people who are the right fit for you and will value and respect the work you do. 

Your brand is everything someone thinks about when they think about your business. It’s what you look like, what you sound like, and, most importantly, how you make people feel and connect with them on a deeper level. Your brand is created from your vision—that big, bold vision you will carry with you even when the path feels murky. 

So how do we get un-murky? 

Here are our six principles, which will guide you to more clarity. When you are clear, you can take action. If you're not sure what action to take next, reach out! We now have several ways to work with clients to move them closer to their big, bold business vision. 

Principle #1: Heart-Led Intentional Action

If you’re in the process of creating your business, there’s a reason you want it. If you already have a business, there’s a reason you feel compelled to transform or refocus it. I love the saying, “What’s meant for you won't miss you.” It’s reassurance that when you’re ready to create your business, brand, and life with intention, the things meant for you will flow to you. And because you’re still reading this post, you are on your way to that vision, but that vision must be met with heart-led intentional action. You can’t just hope for the business you desire to show up; you must take aligned steps toward that vision. 

Principle #2: Alignment

The heart of what we do at DesignGood is about alignment. For us, alignment means that your business, brand, and being (the self) are all in sync and a reflection of each other. For passionate entrepreneurs, these three things are inseparable. When they’re all in alignment, that’s when the magic happens. The clearer and more specific you can be about what you want your work and life to look like, the more effective your brand will be in helping you call in the things you desire. Your brand, after all, is just a reflection of the work you are doing in the world. 

Principle #3: Your ‘Why’

You need to have a strong “why” to start a business and to stay in business. Great businesses are built on the things you’re good at and love—the things that light you up and the people you were put on this Earth to be of service to and guide. You can even think of your “why” regarding the legacy and what you want to be remembered for. This isn't out of vanity; it’s about aligning with your purpose. Your why will always be evolving and strengthening throughout your entrepreneurial journey. Let it be the fuel for your fire. 

Principle #4: Your Business Should Make You Feel Like You Are Thriving, Not Just Surviving

The old way of thinking says you have to struggle before you “make it,” but that simply doesn't have to be the case. When things get hard, we have a tendency to go into “survival mode.” I’ve done it myself more times than I care to admit. If, for any reason, you are feeling like you are “just getting by” with your business, or you are grinding away with little hope, you are out of alignment. We want your business to create joy, fulfillment, and abundance for you on every level. When you start thinking about your business this way, you immediately raise your vibe. That attracts the people who value you (and will pay you based on that value) and affords you the opportunities to fully use your gifts and talents. If you don’t feel this, you might want to look at how you are presenting yourself (back to brand). 

Principle #5: Your Vision Creates Momentum

When we work with our clients, we go deep, and our process helps them gain a lot of clarity about their vision. The more specific you can be, the better. Specificity provides clarity. The clearer your vision is for your business and life, the more you’ll be motivated to move toward it. Your vision builds momentum both internally and externally, and it will ultimately shape the brand you create. If you're feeling stuck and things aren’t going as planned, look at what you might be portraying to the world. What would they think about you if they saw your brand or the content you have created? Would you be someone you would be excited to work with? What is your audience's current perception of you and your work?

Principle #6: Stay the Course

At DesignGood, we’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs launch their businesses. We use an intentional, in-depth process that helps ensure the work we do is a genuine reflection of a client’s vision. 

Being known for your expertise takes time, but the truer you can be to who you are and portray that to the world, the easier it gets and the faster it can speed up. To be known for your services and guidance, you must have conviction in your vision and the tenacity to keep at it—to keep doing what you do best. Yet a lot of us, myself included, want to see immediate results after launching or relaunching a business. All too often, I see clients change direction before their business has even had a chance to gain traction. It's okay to refine, but stay true to your vision and gifts. 

Ask yourself where you might be confusing your audience. If your message is muddled and you give off not-so-professional vibes, even if you are your audience, you might lose sight of the vision you have for your business. How can you be more clear, consistent, and intentional about what is circulating about you and your work in the world? And if there is truly a reason you can’t commit to the path you chose, take a look at why you chose it. Was it for reasons aligned with your heart?

This work is about revealing and committing to the ideas and concepts that are deep in your heart, choosing to stay the course, and giving your business time to become known and reach the right audiences. You’ll always be making improvements and refinements. When new ideas for your business arise—and they will—you’ll be able to assess them against your greater vision. You’ll know if those ideas detract from or support that vision, or if it’s truly time to redirect.

Much love and gratitude,
Kristin Moses Signature

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