Find Your Ikigai to Build A High-Vibe Business

Find Your Ikigai to Build A High-Vibe Business

Our clients think of themselves in many different ways: individuals, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, personal brands, business owners and organizations. But they all share one thing in common, they want to feel passionate about what they’re doing and use their business to make a difference.  Meaningful work and connection are key to building a high-vibe brand.

Here at DesignGood, it’s our mission to help them — and you — do just that. After all, you went out on your own because you love what you do, and you created your business so you can do what you’re great at.

Whether we’re working with an established business or a solopreneur who’s just getting started, we help our clients clarify their expertise, define their dream audiences and build a brand and business around the life they want to live. At its core, our work is about helping you find your sense of purpose and connecting with the people who need what you do best. We talk all about it in our High-Vibe Entrepreneur Method Workbook, which can help you get clear on your talents and passions so you can create a life and business that are in sync with who you truly are.

As it turns out,  Japanese culture has been on to this idea for a long time. The concept of “ikigai” refers to your reason for being. Do a web search for the term, and you’ll quickly discover colorful Venn diagrams outlining the four directives that make up this approach to life and work:

Do what you love.

Do what you’re good at.

Do what the world needs.

Do what you can be paid for.

When you get clear about what you love to do and what you’re good at, and you find the overlap with what the world needs and what you can be paid to do, you’ve found your sense of purpose — you’ve found your ikigai.

The diagram makes it easy to envision how all of the elements work together. Because we like it so much, and because it’s so close to what we do with our clients at DesignGood, we’ve adapted it to explain our formula for creating your high-vibe business:

Design Good Ikigai Graphic

Most of us like to imagine that our purpose will just reveal itself over time, but of course, there’s real work involved in finding your ikigai. Some entrepreneurs do it all on their own, either by accident or intentionally, but most people benefit from guidance. That’s where we come in.

While design and branding are what we do, we also become coaches, guides, business strategists and creative therapists for our clients. And because of the nature of our work, we get to know our clients really well. Over time, we’ve seen that our most successful clients understand the value of building a business and brand that allows them to show up in the world as the brightest and boldest expression of who they are. Because when you’re doing what you were designed to do, people are drawn to work with you, and the right clients show up naturally. It’s a beautiful blending of intention, expertise, passion and connection. Just like ikigai.

Are you ready to build a business that’s true to who you are? One that captivates your ideal customers and supports the kind of life you want to live? Schedule a call with Kristin to learn more about our High-Vibe Entrepreneur Method.

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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