15 High-Vibe Instagram Accounts to Inspire + Motivate You

15 High-Vibe Instagram Accounts to Inspire + Motivate You

How do you feel when you look at your Instagram feed? Does scrolling through it raise your energy or lower it?

When it comes to your success as a high-vibe entrepreneur, the company that you keep is vital. And that company includes the people you follow on social media. Because its content is so personal, Instagram can have an especially strong effect on our mindset and wellbeing.

The end of the year is a good time to edit your Instagram feed and stop following any accounts that make you feel jealous, inferior, uninspired or pressured — or that bring you down in any other way.

By removing any feeds that are negative for you, you make space for Instagram accounts that are inspiring, supportive and motivating. That's why we want to close the year on the DesignGood blog by sharing some of our favorite high-vibe Instagram accounts.

Lifting the energy of your Instagram feed might seem like a small project. But even a small shift like this raises your vibe and can set off larger changes.

Add Some Spirit to Your Instagram

  • Rising Woman. When you follow Rising Woman, it's kind of like going on a spiritual retreat without leaving your Instagram feed. You'll find posts about healing, connection and getting beyond the superficial in our social media-crazy world.
  • Moon Omens. If you need to tune out from the frantic pace of daily life and tune into something deeper, Moon Omens is one of the most inspirational Instagram accounts you can follow. Think calming messages and a color palette that evokes twilight and nighttime.
  • Joshua Smith. At DesignGood, we know firsthand about Josh's gifts as a personal and spiritual development coach. And we love that he shares them with the world on his serene and beautifully curated Instagram feed. (By the way, he's also a DesignGood client.)

Our Favorite Instagram Accounts for Self-Care

  • Mindbodygreen and Well + Good. Keeping your vibe high means tending to your physical, mental and spiritual health, and that's what mindbodygreen and Well + Good are all about. In these cheerful feeds, you'll find quotes, tips, inspiration and even humor.
  • Kris Carr. Carr, a wellness activist and cancer survivor, is one of the high-vibe OGs on social media. If you're resolved to take better care of yourself in 2020, you need regular doses of her in your Instagram feed.
  •  Dr. Mark Hyman. This best-selling author is a leader in functional medicine, which focuses on identifying the root causes of illness. His Instagram feed will encourage you to pay attention to everything from the food you eat to your mindset to the products you use.

High-Vibe Business Inspiration on Instagram 

  • ATX Fail Club. Being a high-vibe entrepreneur means being bold and going your own way. And that means failures and setbacks will be part of your journey. The ATX Fail Club is all about breaking the silence around failure. And that's really refreshing on social media!
  • Yellow Co. All high-vibe entrepreneurs need a supportive community around them. And if you're looking to connect with other "good women building good things," this just might be the community for you.
  • Bravely Go. Part of having a high-vibe business is having a high-vibe relationship with money. If your energy is a little low in this area, check out Bravely Go on Instagram for some inspiration that's at the "intersection of finance and feminism." (Quick aside: Keep an eye on the DesignGood blog in 2020. We've got something special on high-vibe finance coming your way.)
  • DesignGood. And speaking of our blog, you can keep up with our latest high-vibe articles by following us on Instagram. Looking for design inspiration for your business? We also share some of our favorite client work.

So those are some of our high-vibe Instagram picks. Now we want your recommendations: Tell us the high-vibe Instagram accounts we should start following in 2020. And if you'd like to work with DesignGood on your goals next year, we have proven processes to help you build a thriving life and business. To work with us, shoot us an email or schedule a call with me.

Much love and gratitude,
Kristin Moses Signature

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