5 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Cut the BS

5 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Cut the BS

If like us, you've been running your own business for a while now, you know this hard truth: There's a lot of BS out there in the world of entrepreneurship. A lot of trends that everyone jumps on. A lot of conventional wisdom that isn't really that wise. A lot of disingenuousness about what this life really means. Successful entrepreneurs, though, have powerful BS detectors and they're not afraid to operate on a more authentic level. Here's what we mean.

Successful Entrepreneurs Stand Out From the Crowd

When you're just starting out, it can be tempting to lean too heavily on what others in your field have done before you. Scouting out the competition, you might pick up on some implicit rules about what your business should look like. The thing is, though, if you blend in with the crowd, your target customers will have trouble finding you. Focus on what makes your business stand out, not what everyone else is doing. Of course, there are best practices within your industry that you should absolutely pay attention to. But just because something has been done one way for a long time doesn't mean there isn't opportunity to innovate.

They Don't Try to Be Someone Else

We all get "crushes" on other businesses that just seem so effortlessly cool and successful. Maybe your business crush has an addictive Instagram feed or a podcast that took off right out of the gate. So you think that's what you should be doing, too. But what works for them won't necessarily work for you. You’ll attract your audience by being authentic and original, not a copy of another business.

They Tune Out Advice That's Not for Them

There are a lot of voices out there telling you how to do this business stuff. We're like you: We seek out articles (like this one), books and courses that help us grow. Constant learning is good for you. What isn't good for you is buying into the idea that anyone has the single answer on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Don't contort yourself to follow advice that doesn't align with who you are. When you are open — really open — to doing this entrepreneur thing, the right information has a way of showing up.

They're Honest About the Life They Want

Entrepreneurs are especially guilty of BS-ing themselves about the "life" part of work-life balance. We tell ourselves and others that things are fine — even great — with our business when we know deep down that we're working too much or that we're not taking home enough pay to support what's important to us, whether that means traveling or saving for our kids' education. This might work in the short-term, but it's not sustainable in the long term. At some point, it's all going to come crashing down on you. If your business plan is that you do it all — forever — that's not much of a plan.

Take a moment to write down exactly how much you want to be making, and what that amount of money will allow you to do. Be specific. Working just to pay the bills and your staff isn't sustainable. Charge what you're worth, and be mindful of your end game.

They Realize They Can't — and Shouldn't — Do It All

If your business plan is that you do it all — forever — that's not much of a plan. It might feel like you're being scrappy and self-sufficient, but you're actually holding back your success because you're taking time away from the things you do best to deal with all the other stuff that goes into being a successful entrepreneur. No matter where you are in your business, there are realistic and affordable ways to get some tasks off your plate.

Write down everything you don’t like doing in your business, and make a plan to hire someone to help with those tasks. Chances are, if you don’t like doing something, your heart’s not into it either!  Seriously consider where your time is best spent, and the things only you can do.

Notice a Theme Here?

The best way to cut through the BS is to be crystal clear on who you are, the customers you want to serve and the value you add for them. When you have that clarity, it makes every business decision a lot easier. At DesignGood, we believe so strongly in this that we use our unique Brand Discovery Method to get a clear understanding of our clients so that we can help them build both the business and the life they want.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get real about your business success.

Much love and gratitude,

Kristin Moses Signature

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