Alora Farm

Yvette Bonilla-Leach, mother of a son with autism, came up with the concept for Alora Farm as a farmstead wellness haven for autist teens and adults to live and work as part of a thriving community. An innovative and soulful alternative to the current day activity center and group home, Alora is a model for sustainable and dignified living and employment for autists. Through purposeful participation, the farm fosters a safe environment for self-discovery, learning and personal development by teaching vocational, artistic and life skills that can be applied on and off the farm.

Yvette tapped into DesignGood to help her clearly share her vision and to build the project’s list of supporters, board members and partners. Through branding, website development, copywriting and custom business plan design, Yvette is ready to make this dream (Alora means ‘to dream’ in Swahili) a reality.

Our Contributions

Visual Identity, Brand Positioning, Website, Fundraising Collateral, Copywritng, Branded Email Marketing

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