Nu Sifagon

Nu Sifagon fosters learning, connection and the exchange and dissemination of knowledge in the practice of light language. As an educational community, they provide a platform to normalize and celebrate the intuitive gifts that allow for the evolution and acceleration of human understanding and consciousness. They exist to welcome light language practitioners as they arrive at their gifts, and as a place of homecoming for those who are established in their practice of light language, light codes, frequency healing and related modalities.

Nu Sifagon seeks to serve as a vital resource in our field, helping individuals realize their perfection while they dismantle the social stigma associated with light language and release practitioners from isolation. They believe light language has always been within us, and that it’s re-emerging to help heal and balance the world. They invite practitioners to acknowledge, reveal and develop their gifts, and apply them to change paradigms, expand consciousness, and shift our individual and collective perception. Through membership in Nu Sifagon, individuals experience elevated connection and communication within a welcoming and curious community of light language practitioners, and a place to joyfully celebrate and exchange their wisdom.

Our Contributions

Foundational Brand Language, Visual Identity, Website Design

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