Katie Dillingham

Katie Dillingham loves thinking about the brain. As a relational therapist trained in interpersonal neurobiology (INPB), Katie helps her clients learn how their brain works, so they can “rewire” their neurocircuitry. As Katie says, “When you know why your brain does what it does, you can take steps to create change for the better.” Needless to say, she got our full attention.

When Katie contacted DesignGood, she already had an established private practice and a solid client roster. But she had reached a point in her business where she wanted to introduce her clients to new ways of working, like therapy intensives and walk-and-talk sessions. Katie also spent a lot of time explaining her approach and gathering resources for her clients, who tend to be as interested in brain function as she is. She asked for our help creating a brand that would reflect her personality and energy, and a website where she could efficiently share tools and resources with her clientele.

Our Contributions

Brand Positioning, Visual Identity, Website Design, Sales & Outreach Tools, Branded Email Marketing

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"I want to take a moment to discuss my wonderful experience with the people at DesignGood and how happy I am with my new brand! My work with DesignGood not only resulted in a beautiful new website, but also provided me the space to explore my business and what I wanted to offer moving forward as a mental health provider. They asked thought-provoking questions that helped shift how I thought about my approach to marketing and guided me every step of the way in building the website and bringing my vision to life. I can’t say enough good things! Thank you to all the wonderful people at DesignGood."

Katie Dillingham

Licensed Professional Counselor

My work with DesignGood not only resulted in a beautiful new website, but also provided me the space to explore my business and what I wanted to offer moving forward.

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