Discovery Counseling

What if there was an expert guide who could help you navigate life’s barriers, get unstuck and discover your best life? That's what Sara Weber and her team of counselors do at Discovery Counseling in Austin, TX.

Sara had a well-established practice when she came our way, but she knew her branding wasn't keeping pace with the expansion of her business, including more than 20 counselors and staff. She wanted a visual identity and website that would serve as a foundation for continued growth and a welcoming home for new clients. Sara’s new brand balances professionalism with approachability, just like great counseling does. Her website lets clients know Discovery is the place to go for real-life solutions to deal with whatever arises on the journey of living – and to find the path forward.

Our Contributions

Brand Positioning, Visual Identity, Website Design, Copywriting, Outreach & Marketing Tools, Branded Email Marketing

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