Milena Riservato Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy

Discover how Milena Riservato's new brand, created by DesignGood, increased her visibility, confidence, and ability to connect with ideal clients through an integrative approach to therapy.

Milena Riservato offers an integrative approach to therapy tailored for growth-minded, depth-seeking individuals who want to align their lives with their deepest desires and authentic selves. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Milena draws from evidence-based practices and mindful living approaches to empower her clients to trust their intuition and body's natural intelligence. Her approach combines ancient wisdom, lived experience, and conscious living practices, enabling clients to overcome internal obstacles rooted in familial and societal conditioning.

Her new brand increased Milena's visibility, confidence, and credibility. Our work expanded her reach and impact, allowing her to connect more deeply with clients who are the right fit for her business and offerings. The enhanced brand presence and professional image we created have significantly boosted her ability to attract and engage her ideal clients, resulting in greater emotional freedom and a life of meaning and purpose for her and her practice

Our Contributions

Brand Language & Positioning, Visual Identity, Copywriting, and Website Design

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