Meribeth Privett

Meribeth Privet believes our lives are the most creative platform we have. As an abstract expressionist painter, Meribeth views the canvas as a conduit for beauty, healing and inspiration. As a creative coach, she helps clients claim their own creative language to allow for a deeper level of self-acceptance and self-belief.

We had already worked with Meribeth to create her Soul Alchemy wellness brand, including a visual identity and website that evokes her spiritual approach to wellness. To connect the two sites, we threaded elements of the Soul Alchemy identity and tone into her new site, while creating a simpler, bolder aesthetic designed to reflect and showcase Meribeth’s canvases and her unique process. The custom Shopify site allows visitors to purchase available paintings and inquire about commissions and coaching. Meribeth’s brand mark is inspired by the ouroboros, an ancient loop symbol used by alchemists to represent the concept of eternity and the unity of time’s beginning and end. Here, it’s symbolic of Meribeth’s ability to channel creative energy and guide others into their own creative awakening.

Our Contributions

Branding, Copywriting, Website, Visual Identity, Logo

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"Working with Kristin and her talented team has been empowering and simply magical. When I hired them, my idea for what I wanted to create was only a seed. They watered my ideas into a thriving garden of possibilities that blossomed into reality. They held my hand and guided me every step of the way and through this journey I have transformed on a soul level. It has given me the courage to step out authentically into the world to share my gifts. The sky is the limit and these ladies have been the wind beneath my wings to a higher vibration of living."

Meribeth Privett

Artist & Creative Coach

Empowering and Simply Magical

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