Rebecca Kase

DesignGood collaborated with Rebecca Kase, a leading voice in mental health, healing, and personal transformation. As an inspirational speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur, Rebecca draws on her expertise in trauma therapy, neuroscience, and spiritual practices to teach audiences how to embrace challenges, build resilience, and thrive.

Her work is deeply rooted in her career as a psychotherapist and professional educator, as well as her personal story of survival and healing.

Rebecca is the founder of Kase & CO, a multi-million-dollar EMDR training company, known for her authentic and compassionate approach to teaching and leadership. As a keynote speaker, she delivers relatable talks that blend academic research and psychological insight with lived experience. Her knack for infusing playfulness and levity into presentations creates space for vulnerability and embodied learning, making her talks both impactful and engaging.

Rebecca also hosts Thrive The Podcast, where she shares insights and strategies to help listeners harness the power of the nervous system, manage stress, heal from trauma, and transform self-doubt into self-confidence. Using her proprietary Thrive 5 framework, she helps her audience shape a positive mindset, create community, and build habits that empower them to flourish.

Our Contributions

Brand Language & Brand Positioning, Visual Identity, Website Copywriting, Website Design, Podcast Branding, and Social Media Feed Design

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"I've been collaborating with DesignGood for three years, and I am always impressed with their skills and deliverables. Their design skills are unmatched. They deliver quality work, and I consider them part of my core business team at this point, as they're always available to help with updates, new page buildouts, customization projects, and more. I'm so grateful to work with this company!"

Rebecca Kase

Founder, Kase & Co

Their design skills are unmatched. They deliver quality work, and I consider them part of my core business team at this point.

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