Heidi Carter

Money is infinite and available. That is the basis of Heidi Carter’s divine money philosophy. Artist. Teacher. Businesswoman. Money mindset coach. Heidi helps individuals spiritually transform their relationship with money to elevate their earnings and invite their next level of wealth and success. Challenging and resolving money fears, Heidi teaches driven entrepreneurs how to make life-altering personal breakthroughs. Using art, creativity and spirituality, Heidi developed a deep coaching methodology that results in real-life financial abundance through crafting an energetic connection with money and the creation of new, healthy financial habits.

Heidi tapped Design Good to help her streamline and name her offerings and modernize her website to better reflect the creative soul she brought to her divine money work. Design Good and Heidi worked together to craft her signature coaching program, Sacred Wealth Design, which combines masterful coaching, spiritual practice, painting and journaling to shift her clients’ perspectives around money and to attract more of it into their lives. Additionally, they collaborated to launch The Abundant Money membership program, a community of spiritual and driven women entrepreneurs who want to unlock their next level of divine wealth so they can reach their full potential as leaders and game changers. Heidi’s website, offerings, downloads and courses are now fully aligned with her brand identity and center around her deeply creative approach to life and financial abundance.

Our Contributions

Visual Identity, Branding, Website Design, Lead GenerationMagnets, Copywriting, Branded Email Marketing, Digital Sales Tools

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"The amazing, gifted team at DesignGood went over and beyond to provide excellent customer service and create a stunning brand and website. Kristin Moses, CEO and founder, has a magical way of making clients feel so special and so heard. She and her team were in constant contact with me every step of the way, and fully integrated my aesthetic preferences and vision into a beautiful masterpiece that truly portrays who I am, and what I do in my money coaching business. Since working with Design Good I have felt proud to send new prospective clients to my website, and I know it will serve as a conduit for my highest business growth for many years. It was totally worth the investment!"

Heidi Carter

Money Mindset & Performance Coach

The amazing, gifted team at DesignGood went over and beyond. It was totally worth the investment!

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