Seen & Heard Psychotherapy

As a Licensed Professional Counselor, Emily Harrington-Cheney centers family of origin issues and developmental trauma to help clients bring conscious awareness to their past, patterns, and feelings.

With empathy and candor, Emily creates a safe space for clients to uncover and honor the defenses they developed as children that no longer serve them as adults. She uses attachment-based therapeutic frameworks to help her clients learn to establish and maintain boundaries, restore and deepen connection to themselves and others, and realign their energy to cultivate joy and fulfillment. Through in-person and virtual sessions, Emily works with motivated adults who are receptive to new insights, prepared to address obstacles and defenses, and open to changing established patterns and ways of being. As a couples’ counselor with certification in Imago Relationship Therapy, Emily specializes in working with romantic partners to promote dialogue, reduce negativity, and build positive connection for the long term. For clients who are ready to explore and build their interpersonal skills through experiential learning, Emily facilitates dynamic interpersonal process groups that foster greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Our Contributions

Foundational Brand Language, Visual Identity, Website Design, Copywriting, Branded Collateral, and Business Cards

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