Comprehend the Mind Psychological Evaluations

For nearly two decades, Comprehend the Mind has been a trusted resource in New York City for specialized psychological evaluations, assessments, and forensic expertise. Founded by the esteemed Dr. Sanam Hafeez, the practice is recognized as NYC’s top provider of neuropsychological evaluations, with the largest volume of assessments completed annually.

The clinic’s team of highly specialized psychologists addresses neurological, psychiatric, developmental, and educational needs, providing individuals and families with the answers and guidance they need to succeed in school, work, and life.

DesignGood partnered with Comprehend the Mind to elevate their brand and online presence, creating a polished website and brand language that reflect their clinical expertise and widespread media presence. The website highlights their comprehensive evaluation services, forensic assessments, flexible scheduling, and accessibility through major insurance plans, giving clients a clear path to connect with this trusted practice. The refined digital presence underscores Comprehend the Mind’s role as a leader in psychological services, empowering more clients to access top-quality evaluations and expert assessments in New York.

Our Contributions

Brand Language & Positioning, Visual Identity, Copywriting, Website Design

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