Baylor College of Medicine

"Deciding Together: A Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Decision Aid" guides patients and families through a life-altering decision.

This project required innovative design (a kit with separate components vs. a conventional booklet) and copywriting that made complex information highly readable. The result: Both patients and doctors say the decision aid makes a real difference.

Our Contributions

Copywriting, Visual Identity, Print Design

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"DesignGood made an interactive kit for patient education that didn’t lecture the patient, but rather depicted a story. They provided us with awesome photographers, writers attuned to health literacy and exceptional illustrators to bring our information and narratives for patients to life. Many of our patients exclaim that they have never seen such beautiful education materials before, and have told us time and again that these resources help them prepare for and envision life after upcoming medical decisions. The doctors and medical teams are equally impressed. DesignGood never ceases to amaze us. Hands down, they are the best team to bring any project to life."

Estevan Delgado

Senior Project Coordinator, Baylor College of Medicine

Beautiful Education Materials

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